Can the Metaverse Ecosystem bridge the gap between human-AI relationships?
Steven Speilberg’s “Ready Player One” is a movie that shows a glimpse of the future of the Metaverse. It helps us to envision what shape the metaverse may eventually take in the future. Ready Player One is a visual spectacle and leaves people asking how soon they can experience something similar in real life. The movie shows very creative uses of AR and VR, which are integral to the adoption of Metaverse. So can we get there? Is Metaverse the way to this future?
The Metaverse
AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), and AI (Artificial Intelligence) are technologies that need no introduction and have been around for a while. But how does Metaverse come into the picture?
The Metaverse was originally accessible through VR, but users can now access it across numerous platforms. Users can participate in activities like shopping and gaming while interacting with each other via avatars.
How do the Metaverse & AR, VR, and AI come together?
Our predecessors would have only dreamt of a world of XR (extended reality). AR and VR are already integral parts of our digital revolution and show no sign of a decline or slowdown. Transparency and decentralization are the cornerstones of Blockchain technology as it eliminates the need for a central governing authority.
There are no signs of a slowdown in the development of AI. Today, AIs can process vast amounts of data more accurately and faster. It is also capable of mimicking human intelligence. If you own an Alexa-enabled device, you are already utilizing AI technology daily. Mainstream use cases like chatbots and self-driving cars are extensively adopting AI applications.
It is no surprise that AI tech has many uses in the metaverse, as AI can do what we can do faster and better. Challenges such as making predictive capabilities systems more intuitive, poor interactive quality, and creating new products such as live virtual conferences can be addressed by inducting AI into the metaverse. Businesses using these technologies can be more successful as these innovations help in making the virtual environment more engaging and dynamic.
Challenges of the Metaverse
Metaverse is bound to face obstacles as it is a new concept, but we have established that AR and VR tech has been around for a while. While this technology is growing in the right direction, the user experience might be less than ideal compared to real life as there are still graphical limitations. We are still quite far from Ready Player One-level graphics, even in some games played today.
AR/VR tech like headsets and goggles is still viewed as experimental and will take some time to reach a notable level of adoption. How many people do you know who own an AR/VR set? These are not exactly low-priced items.
Self-reliance is another area where Metaverse struggles. In the early stages of the metaverse, there was insufficient user base or technical expertise to sustain the economy. The incorporation of metaverses with AI as well as developments in VR and AR has helped in increasing the number of use cases and monetization choices.
Issues plaguing Metaverse adoption are being addressed in projects like The Sandbox (SAND), MettKai, and Decentraland (MANA). You can play exciting games while buying and selling virtual property on Decentraland. Meanwhile, Meetkai has created a realistic AI-powered metaverse that is accessible via browsers on PCs and smartphones. Their metaverse can mimic the real world. You can create, sell, and share gaming materials in the game environment created by Sandbox.
What is Mixed Reality?
MR is simply AI + XR.
Human-AI interactions are limited to the B2B world in current times. However, MeetKai wants to demonstrate how efficient our lives can be by making AI an integral part of our everyday lives. Real-life experiences like shopping, working, and even outdoor activities like trekking and hiking are being looked at by MeetKai to enhance these experiences using AI.
Imagine your avatar is trying on clothes from your favorite brand while you are lying on the bed. You can also bargain for a lower price and have it delivered to your doorstep the next morning. We are eagerly looking forward to such exciting possibilities in the future.
Is the Metaverse being driven by AI-powered conversations?
Within the metaverses of tomorrow, voice-powered AI has found a lot of uses. Go back to visualizing your avatar trying out clothes from your favorite brand in the virtual store. You see a salesperson approaching to assist you, but instead of a human, it’s an AI, which has access to all fashion and brand data along with your digital persona. The customer service in this scenario will be very personalized, enhancing the whole experience.
Natural language processing makes the metaverse more intimate than the real world. Voice AI can take into account unique preferences and tastes, thus understanding requests made to avatars more humanly. Speech technology’s increased personalization and contextualization have made the metaverse interface smarter.
There is no denying that the metaverse has become the future to look forward to. We are also aware that this concept is in its infancy, but we are starting to see it become a big part of our daily lives. We are excited about the future with these new opportunities.