What goes on inside a ZebPay team meeting

2 min readSep 3, 2020


What goes on inside a ZebPay team meeting

Notes from ZebPay’s team meeting last week, where CEO Rahul Pagidipati welcomed new team members.

Last Monday at 8:00 am, around 50-odd members from team ZebPay were up and awake with coffees in hand to welcome new joinees via video call. Our CEO, Rahul Pagidipati, has begun a tradition of company-wide town halls every month. Since our team is spread across the globe and still working from home, town halls serve as great occasions to bring the team together to bounce ideas off each other — or discuss our love of ice cream, as we inevitably do in every meeting.

Rahul often likes to ask new team members what ZebPay stands for, and then proceeds to challenge everything they think they know. We’ve all been through it, and as a result, come away with a totally fresh perspective on what we’re working towards here at ZebPay. Today we thought, why not share it with you, our community? Here’s what he had to say:


We believe in the freedom of money. The freedom to think how we want, and value what we want. This represents a new way of thinking about finance and who has access to it.Everyone in the world deserves to have financial services. The current system makes that much harder than it should be. If you ask proponents of traditional finance (so, most people) for the solution, they’ll tell you that it’s about banking the unbanked. They’re wrong.Really, it’s about: how do we unbank the bank? Banking has been around for thousands of years.
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Written by Zebpay

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